The Educational Effectiveness Review (EER) focuses on the 18 recommendations that emerged from the Capacity and Preparatory Review (CPR) with an emphasis on student learning. The EER concludes in Fall 2012.
Full Educational Effectiveness Review Report (PDF)
- Introduction (PDF)
- EER Report Appendices (PDF)
- Essay I: Demonstrating Commitment to Social Justice and Civic Engagement (PDF)
- Essay I Appendices (PDF)
- Essay II: Facing the Challenges of a Changing Faculty and Student Profile (PDF)
- Essay II Appendices (PDF)
- Essay III: Improving Student Success in Graduation and Learning (PDF)
- Essay III Appendices (PDF)
- Conclusion (PDF)
Required Data Sets (PDF)
If you encounter any issues accessing the information contained in these documents, please contact Academic Planning and Development at (415) 338-3376 or acadplan@sfsu.edu (link sends e-mail).